Welcome to Stony Run

What is welcoming? 

It is an act of faith that together we can nurture the seed of spiritual wisdom that we all have. It is acting on the belief that our corporate worship and fellowship will water the seed of spiritual growth in the individual, among friends and with the Divine.

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Members of our community come from a variety of religious and non-religious backgrounds. Whether Christian or non-Christian, theist or nontheist, agnostic or atheist, all Friends hold one thing paramount: the primacy of individual spiritual experience.  

As a worshiping body, we come together in silence, to still our minds and quiet our thoughts so that we may begin to be open to a greater presence within and beyond ourselves. Occasionally, someone will be moved to speak from this silence. This is our traditional way of worship. Worship comes to a close and we greet and welcome each other.

Your whole self is welcome here; please share as much of your identity as you feel comfortable. We affirm seekers who are part of the LGBTQ+ and Global Majority communities. We have an LGBTQ Visibility Working Group within the Meeting, and our Meeting engages in anti-racism discernment and work. We are part of a regional Quaker body that has united in declaring ourselves an anti-racist faith community.   

We hope you will visit us soon!

Meetings for worship are at 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM from September through June and at 8:30 AM and 10:00 AM in July and August. Visit our Worship page for details.

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