Event Series Library Committee

Library Committee

Meeting time: 3rd Sunday at 9:15 AM, except 11:15 in July and August Library Committee purchases publications by and about Friends, books for inspirational reading, materials which supplement the First-Day School curriculum, and carefully selected children's books. All are welcome.

Event Series Religious Education (RE) Committee

Religious Education (RE) Committee

The Religious Education Committee has responsibility for programs for the children and teens on Sunday mornings and for special activities at other times. They also provide and/or support intergenerational activities, and have provided occasional adult sessions on the Quaker way, and on the Bible. They maintain a small library of curriculum resources to help teachers plan lessons, […]

Event Series Culture & Outreach Working Group

Culture & Outreach Working Group

The Culture and Outreach Working Group reaches out to the wider community, welcoming visitors, and providing opportunities for them to become engaged in the life of the Meeting. To help newcomers feel included, we share in person and online the way we worship and the ways our experience and values lead us to be involved […]

Event Series Finance Committee

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee prepares an annual operating and outreach budget for consideration and approval at Monthly Meeting for Business, and authorizes check signers to ensure that bills are promptly paid.

Community, Care, and Clearness Committee

The Community, Care and Clearness (CCC) Committee has the responsibility for community care of the Meeting, welcomes visitors, receives membership requests, and forms clearness committees, especially for membership and marriage. Together with Ministry and Counsel it helps families plan Memorial Meetings for Worship. CCC plans occasional community-building activities, keeps in touch with out-of-town members, and helps the […]

Event Series Burial Ground Committee

Burial Ground Committee

The Burial Ground Committee meets on the 4th Thursday AS NEEDED. Please contact the Clerk to confirm the next meeting time. The Burial Ground Committee is responsible for the care and maintenance of the historic Friends Burial Ground at 2506 Harford Road. The committee employs custodial staff, arranges for the selection of lots, makes needed arrangements when […]

Event Series LGBTQ+ Working Group

LGBTQ+ Working Group

Virtual Event Virtual Event

We gather on the first Wednesday of each month to promote awareness of issues affecting the LGBTQ+ community and help make Stony Run a more welcoming space for all LGBTQ+ and gender non-binary people and their families. The working group’s activities have included explicitly affirming marriage equality; sponsoring transgender-affirming vocal training; participating in the annual PRIDE […]

Event Series Trustees


Classroom @ Stony Run Friends Meeting 5116 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD, United States

The Trustees Committee is responsible for the care and custody of all real and personal property of the Meeting and for the management of the Meeting's investments and endowment funds. Membership in Stony Run Meeting is required.

Event Series Finance Committee

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee prepares an annual operating and outreach budget for consideration and approval at Monthly Meeting for Business, and authorizes check signers to ensure that bills are promptly paid.

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