Friends are Called: Serving as a Nonpartisan Poll Watcher
By: Friend Ellen Lerner
Friends are Called to let their lives speak – the way we live is our Sacrament and Testimony in all things. I have been deeply moved to volunteer as a nonpartisan poll watcher in these difficult times, working with the only nationwide nonpartisan organization - Common Cause. They seek to help Americans across the country navigate the voting process and cast their ballot without obstruction, confusion, or intimidation by providing copious training and immediate help if needed. Volunteer attorneys are available by phone to advise. I am appreciated by poll judges and staff, and I know I am amongst friends. We all want everyone to vote.
People seem comforted to see me. I get hugs, smiles, and thanks, no matter how partisan their beliefs. And yes, I have been involved in incidents in which I have stepped up as a witness. Even the police honor my word. I speak to what I hear and see, finding common ground where I can. My job boils down to this: to bear witness. And so, I do. It is hard, but also fun, like the cheers that went around for a beautiful young lady who came to vote for her first time. For me, voting is the very foundation of our democracy – where it all starts (but doesn’t end). I will do whatever I can to support anyone’s right to vote. And so I Speak.