PeaceFire for Peace Promise Weekend
Peace Promise Weekend: Friday, February 7 at 1:00 PM at Stony Run. PeaceFire for The Baltimore Peace Project Weekend will fly until 5 PM on Sun., Feb. 9. The peace […]
Peace Promise Weekend: Friday, February 7 at 1:00 PM at Stony Run. PeaceFire for The Baltimore Peace Project Weekend will fly until 5 PM on Sun., Feb. 9. The peace […]
Join us for an intergenerational Family Fun Night, featuring a pasta and sauce bar. BYFG (bring-your-favorite-game), and join the fun! All are welcome! RSVP:
Chesapeake Quarterly Meeting: Sunday, February 9 at Homewood Friends and online (hybrid). Learn more here and please RSVP. Children are welcome!
The Trustees Committee is responsible for the care and custody of all real and personal property of the Meeting and for the management of the Meeting's investments and endowment funds. Membership in Stony […]
The unprogrammed worship of Friends is unique among religious practices. We gather in silence, in what we call expectant waiting, to still our minds and open ourselves to that unknowable […]
Join an instrumentalist and Friends to sing favorite Hymns between Meetings for Worship.
The unprogrammed worship of Friends is unique among religious practices. We gather in silence, in what we call expectant waiting, to still our minds and open ourselves to that unknowable […]
The Religious Education (RE) Committee provides year-round activities for infants and children through a variety of programs. Meeting for Worship is always open to children of all ages. Stony Run […]
Join us for food and fellowship following the rise of the 11:00 AM Meeting for Worship (~12:15 PM) in the Dining Room. All are welcome!
Join us as we explore the Scriptures and fellowship with each other. You may join us in the Library or on Zoom. For more information, please contact the Office.
Join Pastor Ronald Moyia of Friends Church Baltimore every Tuesday at 8:00 PM via Zoom for Bible Study. The Meeting ID and password are the same as for Programmed Worship […]
Please contact Laura Kinsey, or the Office, if you wish to be added to our email or have someone you would like to add to our healing list.