Adult Religious Education

Quaker Basics 

Very Basic Quaker Basics: The Stony Run Religious Education Committee has a series about the basics of Quaker worship, decision-making, testimonies, and beliefs which is offered from time to time.  

There is no required reading, though several resources will be shared. Open to new and long-time Quakers. Come as you can and are interested in the topic. Check out the calendar to see this event and others.

Quaker 101

Occasionally, Stony Run also offers a short introduction to Quakerism for Friends School of Baltimore parents or other groups. If you are interested in this program, please contact the office. 

Bible Study

Monthly Bible Study Hour from a Quaker perspective is led by Paul Isayi. The Zoom link may be found in the weekly Silent Announcements. 

Adult Forums

We hold discussion forums (usually from 9:15 - 10:30 AM) about Quakerism and other topics of interest to Friends. A forum can be a panel presentation, discussion of a reading provided in advance, or another format, but they always include time to share with each other, get to know each other, and learn together.

Child care for children five and younger is available in the Nursery, and older children are welcome to attend the forum with you. 

Most forums are hybrid. Details and links are published in the weekly Silent Announcements and on the calendar. If you’d like to suggest a topic or speaker, please contact the appropriate committee, or Culture and Outreach.

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