Looking for a spiritual home? We invite you to visit us.
Looking for a spiritual home? Join us for Meeting for Worship on Sunday at 9:30 AM or 11:00 AM
Stony Run Friends Meeting is an unprogrammed Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. We worship in the silence of “expectant waiting,” without ritual, liturgy, creed, sermon, prepared music or pastor. We are an inclusive community of people who come from a variety of life experiences and spiritual backgrounds. We welcome people of all religious backgrounds or none; people of all ethnic, racial, sexual and gender identities; people of all ages and classes.

At Stony Run we offer a place where people can find a sense of community and are free to challenge, question and explore their own beliefs, values and ideas. We do not proselytize. Quakers believe that the Divine is accessible within each and every person. From the beginning, Friends have used various names for the Divine, including God, Spirit, Christ Within, Inner Light or the Inward Teacher.
Adapted with permission from Gunpowder Friends Meeting